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Foodborne Illnesses / Campylobacter /
Campylobacter References
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The Relationship Between Campylobacter and GBS
For those persons who suffer a Campylobacter infection that does not resolve on its own, the complications (or sequelae) can be many. The complications can include septicemia (bacterial pathogens in ...
November 04, 2023
How Macrolides Help You Fight Campylobacter Infections
According to the CDC, macrolides like azithromycin are the current drugs of choice when antibiotic treatment is indicated for Campylobacter infections. The resistance to macrolides in Campylobacter has remained stable. ...
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Tips For Preventing Your Dog from Giving You Campylobacter
Summertime for many means more time spent outside with our family, friends, and often our four-legged companions. It is a wonderful time of year to exercise ourselves, and mankind’s best ...
May 29, 2023
Tips for Preventing Campylobacter Exposure
Campylobacter (camp-UH-low-back-ter) is a genus of bacteria that is among the most common causes of bacterial infections in humans worldwide. ...