Recent Lawsuits
Italian Pastries tied to illnesses in the US and Canada
Cucumbers sicken 100 in 23 States with Salmonella
Deadly Nationwide E.coli Outbreak Linked to Grimmway Farms Organic Baby and Whole Carrots sickens 48
E. coli Outbreak tied to Red Cow and Hen House Restaurants
Rockwood Summit High School E. coli Outbreak
McDonalds linked to 104 E. coli cases and 1 Death
Boar's Head Deli Meat Sickens 61 in 19 States with Deadly Listeria - 10 deaths
Shigella at LongHorn sickens 68
Madre’s Oaxacan Restaurant linked to Salmonella Outbreak - 44 Sick
Egg Recall - Milo's Poultry Farms linked to Salmonella Outbreak - 93 Sickened
2 dead with 22 injured in E. coli Hamburger Outbreak in Montana
Bellevue IHOP link in Salmonella Outbreak tied to Gills Onions
Lawsuit updates about foodborne illnesses
Recent Outbreaks & Recalls
Listeria outbreak: Three die after drinking contaminated milkshakes
2011 Listeria Outbreak Linked to Cantaloupes: A History
A Quick Look at the 2018 Hepatitis A Outbreak
Listeria linked to Yogurt prompts recall
Hepatitis A Outbreak linked to Strawberries
FDA weighs in on Sun Sprouts Salmonella Outbreak
Since 2016, the US has seen 44,760 Hepatitis A cases with 27,327 hospitalizations and 426 deaths
Famous Anthony’s Hepatitis A case moves towards justice
4 Restaurant Chains That Have Had Salmonella Outbreaks