Marler Clark has published 4111 articles about outbreaks.
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August 23, 2023
Listeria outbreak: Three die after drinking contaminated milkshakes
Three people have died, and three others are in hospital after drinking milkshakes contaminated with listeria bacteria in the US state of Washington, health officials say. Marler Clark, the Listeria attorneys, have been retained by a family of a man who died in the Frugals Listeria outbreak. …

July 12, 2023
2011 Listeria Outbreak Linked to Cantaloupes: A History
A total of 148 persons infected with any of the five (5) outbreak-associated strains of Listeria monocytogenes were reported to CDC from 28 states. The number of infected persons identified in each state was as follows: Alabama (1), Arkansas (1), California (4), Colorado (40), Idaho (2), Illinois (4), Indiana (3) …

May 20, 2023
A Quick Look at the 2018 Hepatitis A Outbreak
Litigation proceeded in a Virginia state court against Tropical Smoothie and the strawberry supply chain. There were 134 people with hepatitis A reported from nine states: Arkansas (1), California (1), Maryland (12), New York (3), North Carolina (1), Oregon (1), Virginia (107), West Virginia (7), and Wisconsin (1). 52 ill people were hospitalized. No deaths occurred. …

March 26, 2023
Listeria linked to Yogurt prompts recall
Clio Snacks of Piscataway, N.J. is voluntarily recalling 581 cases of its Strawberry Granola & Greek Yogurt Parfait Bar due to potential contamination with Listeria monocytogenes, an organism which can cause serious and sometimes fatal infections in young children, frail or elderly people, and others with weakened immune systems. Although …

March 26, 2023
December 30, 2022
December 11, 2022
December 11, 2022
December 11, 2022
November 20, 2022
November 13, 2022
My view of 30 Years of the largest and most unforgettable Foodborne Illness Outbreaks in the United States
Over the last 30 years, I have had a front seat to most every large Foodborne Illness Outbreak in the United States. Years ago, I could quickly recall each of them. Perhaps as I have grown a bit older, or perhaps there are now just too many to count? I …
November 10, 2022
November 09, 2022
South African mother loses newborn to listeriosis in 2018 Tiger brand polony outbreak
The Tiger Brands polony listeriosis outbreak began at the start of 2017 and was officially declared over in September 2018 with 1,065 confirmed cases and at least 218 deaths. Marler Clark, the listeria attorneys, became involved as of counsel, providing guidance and resources to the South African law firm litigating these cases. …

November 09, 2022
The World’s Largest and Deadliest Listeria Outbreak is turning 4 in March
In this article, Bill Marler, a Listeria attorney, writes about the 2017 and 2018 largest and deadliest outbreak of listeriosis to occur in South Afriica. The outbreak was caused by contaminated polony, a ready-to-eat, processed meat product. Ready-to-eat, processed meats are a well-known vehicle for listeriosis outbreaks (Thomas et al. …

November 08, 2022
16 days hospitalized: Summer E. Coli outbreak linked to Wendy's takes a toll on Michiganders
The Marler Clark, E. coli attorneys represent 48 victims of the Wendy's E. coli outbreak. A total of 109 people from six states, including New York, Kentucky, Ohio and Pennsylvania, were known to be infected from July 26 to Aug. 17. Michigan had the greatest number of cases with 67 …

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Symptoms of Salmonella Infection
Symptoms of Salmonella infection include painful abdominal cramps, diarrhea, and fever. Salmonella infections can have a broad range of illness, from no symptoms to severe …
What Are the Symptoms of Listeria Infection?
The infection caused by Listeria can vary from mild to severe. Only a small percentage of persons who ingest Listeria fall ill or develop symptoms …
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