Cyclospora is a parasite composed of one cell, too small to be seen without a microscope. The organism was previously thought to be a blue-green alga or a large form of Cryptosporidium. Cyclospora cayetanensis is the only species of this organism found in humans.
The first known human cases of illness caused by Cyclospora infection (that is, cyclosporiasis) were first discovered in 1977. An increase in the number of cases being reported began in the mid-1980s, in part due to the availability of better diagnostic techniques. Over 15,000 cases are estimated to occur each year in the United States.
The first outbreak in North America occurred in 1990 from contaminated water. Since then, several outbreaks of cyclosporiasis have been reported in the U.S. and Canada, many associated with eating fresh fruits or vegetables. In some developing countries, cyclosporiasis is common among the population and travelers to those areas have become infected as well.
Have Cyclospora symptoms? Get a free consultation.
We’re here to answer all your questions, like what to ask a doctor, if you’re eligible for a lawsuit, and how to get the care you need.
Cyclospora Resources
We have worked with epidemiologists to bring education about Cyclospora to everyone.
More information about Cyclospora
September 30, 2024
Should You Pursue Litigation for Cyclospora Food Poisoning?
If you have suffered from Cyclospora food poisoning, the decision to pursue litigation can be complex and depends on several factors: ...
September 29, 2024
What are the most common questions asked about Cyclospora on the Internet?
Cyclospora is a parasite that causes an intestinal infection called cyclosporiasis. Here are some of the most commonly asked questions about Cyclospora on the internet: ...
September 30, 2023
What are the Advancements in the Diagnosis of Cyclospora
Cyclosporiasis is usually diagnosed symptomatically in clinical settings, including the presence of watery diarrhea, abdominal cramping, and bloating. In untreated, immunocompetent people, the diarrhea can last from days to weeks ...
July 12, 2023
The Health Effects of Cyclospora Exposure
Cyclospora infects the small intestine (bowel) and usually causes watery diarrhea, bloating, increased gas, stomach cramps, and loss of appetite, nausea, low-grade fever, and fatigue. In some cases, vomiting, explosive ...
Cyclospora litigation at Marler Clark
The Marler Clark Cyclospora attorneys are the only lawyers in the nation with a practice focused exclusively on plaintiff foodborne illness litigation.
Our expert Cyclospora attorneys have represented victims of notable Cyclospora outbreaks. Contact us today to learn more about our services.
Cyclospora litigation at Marler Clark
Marler Clark has documented their litigation for victims in 5 Cyclospora cases. The Marler Clark Cyclospora lawyers have unmatched experience representing victims of Cyclospora. We have represented hundreds of victims of Cyclospora outbreaks.
Marler Clark Files the Second Case in National Cyclospora Outbreak - Food Poisoning Sickens 210 in 22 States

How Does Fresh Produce Spread Cyclospora?

Fresh Express Bagged Lettuce Cyclospora Outbreak and Litigation - Multistate (2020)
Fresh Express Cyclospora Outbreak and Litigation - Multistate (2018)

Del Monte Cyclospora Outbreak and Litigation - Wisconsin (2018)
See what our clients are saying
Marler Clark's food litigation attorneys have the most extensive experience representing victims of food poisoning outbreaks of any law firm in the United States.
Bill Marler and his team demonstrated a clear passion for their work and diligently ran to ground all of the details and nuances surrounding our family's case. The Marler Clark team managed our expectations extremely well, making sure that we were prepared at each step in the process and knew that there would be frustrating times along the way. On top of the impeccable professionalism, we formed friendships with Bill and Julie, and they introduced us to other clients who were going through similar experiences to our own, all of which was therapeutic and reminded us that we were not alone. And last but not least, we achieved success -- there is no substitute for subject matter expertise and years of experience! Thanks again Bill, Julie, and the entire Marler Clark team!
Bob & Emily S.
All of the people at Marler and Clark were very attentive to our needs and concerns. We would highly recommend their law firm for any legal advice regarding food safety. They are very transparent and will make contact with you in a timely fashion.
Amy G.
My wife and I can't thank Bill Marler and everyone at Marler Clark enough for how well they looked after us in our time of need. Bill visited us while our son was in the hospital and he, or his staff, were in contact with us every step of the way. Everyone at Marler Clark was caring and compassionate about our situation while working on our behalf. Even after our case was settled, Bill has checked in with us from time to time, wanting to know how our son was doing.