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Food Safety Advocate Bill Marler to Address Food Integrity Conference

Food safety advocate and attorney Bill Marler will speak at the Government Accountability Project (GAP) conference “Empowering Employees to Protect Food Integrity”. The event is being held at the American University College of Law this Friday, November 20, from 9:30 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. The event is free, but registration is required.

“People doing their jobs well at every level of the food production chain is critical to food safety,” said Marler. “It’s just as critical that employees can speak out if they see actions being taken that could jeopardize the safety of the food product being made, and consequently the safety of the consumers who might purchase it. Food workers are our first defense, and I applaud GAP for highlighting the importance of their contributions.”

The conference covers a wide range of food integrity issues, using major outbreaks and recalls as case studies. Panelists will address legal and legislative reforms, immigrant rights, humane handling, corporate farming, and the role of labor in food safety. Bill Marler will speak at 1:15 P.M. on litigation as a tool for change and the crucial value of whistleblowers in that litigation..

The American University College of Law is located at 4801 Massachusetts Avenue NW in Washington D.C. The conference will be held in room 603.


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