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November 16, 2024
What are ways to prevent E. coli Outbreaks at catered events?
E. coli outbreaks can sometimes be linked to food served by caterers, and several factors can contribute to these incidents. Here are some of the risks and considerations associated with E. coli outbreaks related to catering: …

November 24, 2023
Common Myths and Misconceptions About E. coli
E. coli is often referred to as the best or most-studied free-living organism. More than 700 serotypes of E. coli have been identified. The “O” and “H” antigens on the bacteria and their flagella distinguish the different serotypes. It is important to remember that most kinds of E. coli bacteria …

July 12, 2023
Why E. coli Outbreaks happen not just in Beef
Although foods of bovine origin are the most common cause of both outbreaks and sporadic cases of E. coli O157:H7 infections, outbreaks of illnesses have been linked to a wide variety of food items. For example, produce has been the source of substantial numbers of outbreak-related E. coli O157:H7 infections …

May 20, 2023
What To Expect During E. coli O157:H7 Litigation
E. coli litigation is all about causation (did a particular food product cause the illness) and damages (what are your past, present and future costs). …

December 11, 2022
What You Should Know About E. coli in Manure
E. coli O157:H7 bacteria and other pathogenic E. coli mostly live in the intestines of cattle, but E. coli bacteria have also been found in the intestines of chickens, deer, sheep, and pigs. A 2003 study on the prevalence of E. coli O157:H7 in livestock at 29 county and three …
November 12, 2022
E. coli in Lakes: Why It Happens and What You Should Know
The CDC makes a clear warning about E. coli and water – especially, unchlorinated water: “Don’t swallow water when swimming and when playing in lakes, ponds, streams, swimming pools, and backyard “kiddie” pools.” …
September 27, 2022
Chipotle E. coli Outbreak Lawsuits
Marler Clark, the E. coli attorneys, represented several victims in this E. coli outbreak. All claims were settled, including compensation for medical bills, wage loss and any future medical complications. The initial, larger STEC O26 outbreak was first detected by public health officials in Washington and Oregon through local foodborne …
September 24, 2022
What to do if you get infected by E. coli
The colitis caused by Escherichia coli (E. coli) O157:H7 is characterized by severe abdominal cramps, diarrhea that typically turns bloody within 24 hours, and sometimes fever. The incubation period—that is, the time from exposure to the onset of symptoms—in outbreaks is usually reported as 3 to 4 days but may …
August 11, 2022
What Happens if E. coli Goes Untreated
In most infected individuals, symptoms of a Shiga toxin-producing E. coli infection last about a week and resolve without any long-term problems. Antibiotics do not improve the illness, and some medical researchers believe that these medications can increase the risk of developing hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS). Therefore, apart from supportive …
March 05, 2022
Quick guide to protecting yourself from E. coli
Since there is no fail-safe food safety program, consumers need to “drive defensively” as they navigate from the market to the table. It is no longer enough to take precautions only with ground beef and hamburgers; anything ingested by family members can be a vehicle for infection. …
January 11, 2022
Best things to eat while sick from E. coli
During the infection it is best to eat bland foods. Bland foods include: • crackers • cooked cereals, like oatmeal or cream of wheat • weak tea • apple juice or flat soda • broth • boiled or baked potatoes …
October 10, 2021
What are the common symptoms of an E. coli infection?
The hemorrhagic colitis caused by E. coli O157:H7 is characterized by severe abdominal cramps, diarrhea that typically turns bloody within 24 hours, and sometimes fever. The incubation period—that is, the time from exposure to the onset of symptoms—in outbreaks is usually reported as 3 to 4 days but may be …
August 17, 2021
Jellystone Water Park E. coli Outbreak Lawsuit
The E. coli attorneys at Marler Clark have filed the first lawsuit, representing six victims in this E. coli outbreak. As of August 9, 2021, the Mississippi State Department of Health (MSDH) has identified several cases of E. coli O157 infection associated with use of the swimming pool and/or splashpad …
August 03, 2021
Romaine Lettuce E. Coli Outbreak Lawsuits (2019)
In 2019, Bill Marler, managing partner of Marler Clark was retained by two individuals sickened in the recent E. coli O157:H7 outbreaks announced by governmental officials as linked to romaine lettuce likely grown in California. To date, E. coli lawyers at Marler Clark represent over a dozen victims in this …
August 02, 2021
Brightwater Farms Salad Salmonella Outbreak Lawsuit
The Salmonella attorneys at Marler Clark have filed the first lawsuit, representing a victim of this Salmonella outbreak. As of July 22, 2021, 11 people infected with the outbreak strain of Salmonella Typhimurium have been reported from three states. Illnesses started on dates ranging from June 10, 2021, to July 1, 2021. …
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Symptoms of Salmonella Infection
Symptoms of Salmonella infection include painful abdominal cramps, diarrhea, and fever. Salmonella infections can have a broad range of illness, from no symptoms to severe …
What Are the Symptoms of Listeria Infection?
The infection caused by Listeria can vary from mild to severe. Only a small percentage of persons who ingest Listeria fall ill or develop symptoms …
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