SEATTLE, WA - Seattle attorney, William Marler, who represented the most seriously injured victims of the Jack in the Box and Odwalla E. coli outbreaks, today called on Wendy’s corporate leaders “to do the right thing and immediately pay all the victim’s medical bills related to E. coli illnesses caused by its Salem franchise. In both the Jack in the Box and Odwalla cases, we were able to get the corporations to pay the bills up front so families were not worried about the bills during the recovery from the illness,” said Marler.
“Given that there are already 15 confirmed, and 31 presumptive cases, Wendy’s should pay the bills now,” said Bruce Clark, former counsel for Jack in the Box who became a partner at Marler Clark two years ago.
Background: Marler Clark has extensive experience representing victims of food-borne illness. Mr. Marler represented Brianne Kiner in her $15.6 million settlement with Jack in the Box. He also secured compensation totaling $30 million for other victims from the 1993 Jack in the Box E. coli outbreak. In May 1998, Marler Clark settled the Odwalla Juice E. coli outbreak for the five families whose children were severely injured after consuming Odwalla apple juice. Marler Clark is currently lead counsel in actions stemming from several E. coli, Salmonella, Shigella and Hepatitis outbreaks in Washington, California, Ohio, Missouri and Arizona. Marler Clark has litigated on behalf of children against KFC, McDonalds, Hardees, Subway, Carl’s Jr., Sizzler and Costco. Marler Clark is representing children in E. coli outbreaks stemming from contaminated beef served in a school lunch and a swimming pool in Atlanta. Marler Clark can be contacted through or by calling 800-894-9840.