News Archive

Marler Clark has published 5,587 articles about foodborne illness outbreaks and lawsuits.

November 14, 2013 Press Releases

First E. coli Case Against Glass Onion Filed By Marler Clark, Sonoma County Woman

In an E. coli lawsuit filed Thursday, the Marler Clark attorneys allege a Sonoma County woman fell ill with an E. coli infection after eating a salad manufactured by Glass Onion Catering. The company's salads and wraps were linked to a 26-person E. coli outbreak among residents of California, Washington …

November 14, 2013 Outbreaks

Glass Onion Catering & Gourmet Foods E. coli Outbreak - California, Washington & Arizona (2013)

Marler Clark represents victims of a 2013 E. coli outbreak linked to salads and wraps produced by Artherstone Foods, a company doing business as Glass Onion Catering & Gourmet Foods. The E. coli outbreak resulted in at least 33 E. coli cases. Two people developed hemolytic uremic syndrome, a potentially …

November 14, 2013 Outbreaks

Glass Onion Catering Salad & Wrap E. coli Outbreak

Salads and wraps sold by Trader Joe's, Walgreens and Whole Foods are the source of an E. coli outbreak …

November 14, 2013 Case News

New Hawaii Sea Restaurant Hepatitis A Outbreak

Hepatitis A outbreak linked to New Hawaii Sea Restaurant …

November 12, 2013 Outbreaks

November 10, 2013 Case News

Trader Joe's E. coli Outbreak Lawsuits

In October and November 2013, local, state and federal public health officials investigated an outbreak of E. coli O157 experienced by patients residing in four states, Arizona, California, Texas, and Washington. Epidemiologic and traceback investigations identified two ready-to-eat salads, Field Fresh Chopped Salad with Grilled Chicken and Mexicali Salad with …

November 10, 2013 Outbreaks

November 10, 2013 Outbreaks

November 08, 2013 Outbreaks

November 08, 2013 Outbreaks

November 07, 2013 Outbreaks

November 05, 2013 Outbreaks

Jimmy John's E. coli Outbreak (2013)

A Denver-area E. coli outbreak was linked to Jimmy John's …

November 05, 2013 Outbreaks

The Porch Restaurant E. coli Outbreak

The Porch, popular Pittsburgh restaurant, linked to E. coli outbreak …

November 05, 2013 Outbreaks

McBee Dairy Farm Raw Milk E. coli Outbreak

At least 9 children fell ill with E. coli infections after drinking raw milk from McBee Dairy Farm …

October 31, 2013 Outbreaks

October 31, 2013 Outbreaks

October 30, 2013 Outbreaks

William Marler offers Pittsburgh residents his Top 10 Tips for dining out during an E. coli outbreak

Attorney Bill Marler responds to reports that an E. coli outbreak has been linked to an Oakland neighborhood restaurant with his top 10 tips for dining out during an E. coli outbreak. …

October 30, 2013 Outbreaks

October 29, 2013 Outbreaks

October 29, 2013 Outbreaks

October 26, 2013 Outbreaks

October 24, 2013 Outbreaks

October 23, 2013 Outbreaks

October 18, 2013 Outbreaks

New Hawaii Sea Restaurant Hepatitis A Outbreak (2013)

Marler Clark represents people who were exposed to the hepatitis A virus at the New Hawaii Sea Restaurant in the Bronx and either fell ill with hepatitis A or were required to receive injections to prevent infection. Exposure to hepatitis A occurred at New Hawaii Sea Restaurant between September …

October 18, 2013 Outbreaks

Burma Superstar E. coli Outbreak - California (2013)

Between Friday, August 23 and Monday, August 26, 2013, the San Francisco Department of Public Health Communicable Disease Control Unit (SFDPH CDCU) received eight reports of laboratory-confirmed Escherichia coli (E. coli) O157 infection in unrelated San Francisco residents. This number of reports represented a marked increase over the background incidence …

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