High profile foodborne illness attorney William Marler will deliver a keynote address to the 75th annual gathering of the Canadian Institute of Public Health Inspectors (CIPHI) on Wednesday, May 6. One of conference’s focus topics is Global Impacts on Health, to which Mr. Marler will speak.
“At the moment we are all painfully aware how fast illness can move around the world,” said Marler from his Seattle office. “In our global economy, foodborne pathogens can move from country to country—and within countries—just as quickly. International commerce in food binds many countries together, and by extension, the food safety policies of those countries. I’m honored to address the CIPHI, and plan to discuss the impact of global trade on food manufacturers and consumers.”
Mr. Marler also said that although foodborne illness cases within US borders kept his firm, Marler Clark, extremely busy, he has been tracking the legal implications of product liability in multinational cases.
“I was in China at a conference when the melamine crisis broke,” continued Marler. “Although I don’t know of any international lawsuits filed against Chinese firms due to melamine, it was certainly a wake-up call to food producers around the world about responsibility beyond their borders. It’s both fascinating and sobering to realize just how global our food supply—and our need to protect consumers—really is.”
The CIPHI conference is being held May 3-6, 2009 in Kananaskis, Alberta. Mr. Marler’s keynote will be on the last day of the conference, May 6, at 8:30 AM.