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May 29, 2023

An In-Depth Look at the Norovirus Outbreaks on Cruise Ships

In 2006, there was a large increase in the number of norovirus cases on cruise ships. Norovirus cases were increasing throughout Europe and the Pacific at the same time. OneHumans are the only host of norovirus, and norovirus has several mechanisms that allow it to spread quickly and easily. Norovirus infects humans in a pathway like the influenza virus’ ...

Case News

July 12, 2023

The Health Effects of Cyclospora Exposure

Cyclospora infects the small intestine (bowel) and usually causes watery diarrhea, bloating, increased gas, stomach cramps, and loss of appetite, nausea, low-grade fever, and fatigue. In some cases, vomiting, explosiveCyclospora is a parasite composed of one cell, too small to be seen without a microscope. Cyclospora cayetanensis is the only species of this organism found in humans. Cyclosporiasis is ...

Case News

July 12, 2023

Why E. coli Outbreaks happen not just in Beef

Although foods of bovine origin are the most common cause of both outbreaks and sporadic cases of E. coli O157:H7 infections, outbreaks of illnesses have been linked to a wideE. coli O157:H7 is one of thousands of serotypes of Escherichia coli. E. coli O157:H7 was first recognized as a pathogen in 1982 during an investigation into an outbreak of ...

Case News

July 12, 2023

How To Detect Botulism in Canned Foods at Home

Follow proper canning instructions. Inspect the canning container for any leaks, bulges, cracks, or damages. If they are present, do not consume the product. If the container spurts liquid orBotulism is a rare, life-threatening paralytic illness caused by neurotoxins produced by an anaerobic, gram-positive, spore-forming bacterium, Clostridium botulinum. Bacterial growth is inhibited by refrigeration below 4° C., heating above ...

Case News

July 17, 2023

What are the Long-Term Health Effects of Salmonella Infection?

Another dangerous complication is bacteremia, which affects approximately 5% of infected individuals. If the Salmonella bacteria enters a person’s bloodstream (bacteremia), it can infect tissues throughout the body. The bacteriaCDC estimates that Salmonella bacteria cause about 1.35 million infections, 26,500 hospitalizations, and 420 deaths in the United States every year. Most people with Salmonella infection (or “salmonellosis”) develop diarrhea ...

Case News

August 01, 2023

Norovirus and kids – the perfect mix

It happens at least once a year—the dreaded norovirus wave at daycare. The first year I was cavalier, thinking, “We’ll be the lucky ones who dodge it.” We most certainlyNorovirus and kids – the perfect mix It happens at least once a year—the dreaded norovirus wave at daycare. The first year I was cavalier, thinking, “We’ll be the lucky ...

Case News

August 15, 2023

Tips For Preventing Your Dog from Giving You Campylobacter

Summertime for many means more time spent outside with our family, friends, and often our four-legged companions. It is a wonderful time of year to exercise ourselves, and mankind’s bestSummertime for many means more time spent outside with our family, friends, and often our four-legged companions. It is a wonderful time of year to exercise ourselves, and mankind’s best ...

Case News

November 04, 2023

How Long Do the Effects of Norovirus Last?

Norovirus illness usually develops 24 to 48 hours after ingestion of contaminated food or water. Symptoms typically last a relatively short amount of time, approximately 24 to 48 hours. TheseNorovirus illness usually develops 24 to 48 hours after ingestion of contaminated food or water. Symptoms typically last a relatively short amount of time, approximately 24 to 48 hours. These ...

Case News

November 04, 2023

What To Do If You Think You've Contracted Botulism

Although botulism can be diagnosed based on clinical symptoms, distinguishing it from other diseases is often difficult, especially in the absence of other known persons affected by the condition. CommonAlthough botulism can be diagnosed based on clinical symptoms, distinguishing it from other diseases is often difficult, especially in the absence of other known persons affected by the condition. Common ...

Case News

November 04, 2023

How Macrolides Help You Fight Campylobacter Infections

According to the CDC, macrolides like azithromycin are the current drugs of choice when antibiotic treatment is indicated for Campylobacter infections. The resistance to macrolides in Campylobacter has remained stable.According to the CDC, macrolides like azithromycin are the current drugs of choice when antibiotic treatment is indicated for Campylobacter infections. The resistance to macrolides in Campylobacter has remained stable ...

Case News

November 04, 2023

TMP/SMX: What They Are and Why They're Important

Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole (TMP-SMX), also known as co-trimoxazole, is a combination of two antimicrobial agents that act synergistically against a wide variety of bacteria. It is commonly used to treat urinary tractTrimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole (TMP-SMX), also known as co-trimoxazole, is a combination of two antimicrobial agents that act synergistically against a wide variety of bacteria. It is commonly used to treat urinary tract ...

Case News

November 24, 2023

A Brief Look at Supportive Therapy for Hepatitis A

Once a clinical infection is established, there is no specific treatment for hepatitis A. Affected individuals generally suffer from loss of appetite, so the main concern is ensuring a patientBlood tests are widely available to accurately diagnose hepatitis A, including tests for antibodies, or the affected person’s immune response to hepatitis A proteins. This immune response is conclusively demonstrated ...

Case News

November 24, 2023

Common Myths and Misconceptions About E. coli

E. coli is often referred to as the best or most-studied free-living organism. More than 700 serotypes of E. coli have been identified. The “O” and “H” antigens on theE. coli is often referred to as the best or most-studied free-living organism. More than 700 serotypes of E. coli have been identified. The “O” and “H” antigens on the ...

Case News

November 24, 2023

When To Consider Antibiotics for Listeria

Listeriosis is usually a self-limited illness—which means that most infected individuals will improve without the need for medical care. But for those patients with a high fever, a stool cultureBecause there are few symptoms that are unique to listeriosis, doctors must consider a variety of potential causes for infection, including viral infections (like flu), and other bacterial infections that ...

Case News

November 24, 2023

Gastro vs. Food Poisoning: How To Tell the Difference

When people complain of gastrointestinal illness or the stomach flu, the illness is usually Norovirus.When people complain of gastrointestinal illness or the stomach flu, the illness is usually Norovirus. Norovirus illness usually develops 24 to 48 hours after ingestion of contaminated food or water ...

Case News

January 25, 2024

What's the latest on Lead and Chromium in Applesauce for Kids?

As of January 22, 2024, FDA has received 90 confirmed complaints/reports of adverse events potentially linked to recalled product. To date, confirmed complainants, or people for whom a complaint orAs of January 22, 2024, FDA has received 90 confirmed complaints/reports of adverse events potentially linked to recalled product. To date, confirmed complainants, or people for whom a complaint or ...

Case News

February 21, 2024

The Litigated Dish: Salmonella symptoms and incubation periods

For Salmonella, the incubation period typically ranges from 12 to 36 hours, though it can be as short as 6 hours or as long as one or two weeks. ThisI think I’ll talk about Salmonella in my next few posts. Wondering why? Well, I recently discovered that the search volume (or the number of monthly searches) for “Salmonella” is ...

Case News

February 04, 2024

The Litigated Dish: Can foodborne illness cause death?

According to the CDC, roughly 1 in 6 Americans, or 48 million people annually, fall victim to foodborne illnesses. Among them, 128,000 are hospitalized, and sadly, 3,000 lose their livesOk, I understand that discussing the potential lethality of foodborne illnesses is not the most uplifting topic, but it is a crucial aspect of food safety that often ranks high ...

Case News

January 28, 2024

The Litigated Dish: What are the symptoms of food poisoning?

Much like my answer to last week's question, this question elicits a lawyer’s favorite response: “It depends.” Which foodborne illness are we talking about? Various bacteria, viruses, and parasites canThree weeks ago, I introduced my column, “The Litigated Dish,” to answer the Internet’s most frequently asked food safety questions. One particularly popular question, according to (a website that ...

Case News

January 28, 2024

Tips To Avoid Food Poisoning When Dining Out

Avoiding food poisoning when dining out involves taking certain precautions to ensure the safety and cleanliness of the food you consumeAvoiding food poisoning when dining out involves taking certain precautions to ensure the safety and cleanliness of the food you consume. Here are some tips to help you reduce the ...

Case News


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