During the public health investigation into the E. coli case, leftover meat from the barbeque the child had attended tested positive for E. coli at the New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services Public Health Laboratory, and City of Manchester Department of Health officials persuaded Stop & Shop management to issue a Public Health Advisory. The advisory recommended that customers who purchased ground beef at the Stop & Shop on September 3 should not use the product and return it to the store for a full refund due to the potential for E. coli contamination.
Stop & Shop did not keep records of what trim was ground and added to its tubed meat to produce the product used at the barbeque. As a consequence, the USDA could not conduct a thorough traceback to determine the initial or “upstream” source of the contaminated meat. No additional cases of E. coli O157:H7 were reported in the Manchester area.
Marler Clark filed an E. coli lawsuit against Stop & Shop on behalf of the child. His claim was resolved in 2007.