Investigators from the LACDHS Environmental Health staff and the California Department of Health Services’ Food and Drug Branch concluded that lettuce was the likely source of the outbreak and conducted a traceback on the lettuce. On January 6, 2006, LACDHS issued an outbreak investigation report of the Hepatitis A outbreak that occurred among members of the set of The Good German. Citing statistical evidence and known likelihood of produce contamination with HAV, investigators concluded that the salad provided by Silver Grill Catering most likely caused at least eighteen confirmed cases of hepatitis A virus infection among Good German cast and crew.
Marler Clark's hepatitis A lawyers represented 6 people in claims against Silver Grill Location Catering and Soleil Produce. Five of the cases were resolved in late 2006; one additional case was resolved in early 2007.
More about the Silver Grill Catering hepatitis A outbreak can be found on the Marler Clark-sponsored site about hepatitis A.