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Bad Batch Of Heroin In Dublin Spreads Botulism Among Drug-Users

Heroin was discovered by Bayer, the German pharmaceutical company, as an alternative to morphine. Because the pain-killer also made people feel euphoric or even heroic, it earned its name Heroin.

The day when it was safety sold at the corner drugstore, however, was a long, long time ago.

Given the, shall we say, uneven production methods now supplying the demand for Heroin, it comes as no surprise that bad batches lead to bad results. Dublin, Ireland is now dealing with the worst possible result–Heroin on the street that is contaminated with deadly Botulism.

One drug user is already dead and six others may be suffering with Botulism.

Ireland’s Belfast Telegraph reports:

Officials are trying to determine whether the outbreak may be linked to a batch of contaminated heroin.

Botulism is caused by a toxin released by the clostridium botulinum bacterium and can affect drug users who inject into soft tissue rather than veins.

The disease can lead to problems with vision and paralysis and can be fatal in 5-10 percent of cases.

For more, go here.

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Related Resources
What is Botulism?

Botulism is a life-threatening paralytic illness caused by neurotoxins produced by an anaerobic, gram-positive, spore-forming bacterium—Clostridium botulinum. Botulism is a rare disease and only affects a few hundred persons each...

Epidemiology and Microbiology of Botulism

C. botulinum bacteria and spores are widely distributed in nature because they are indigenous to soils and waters. They occur in both cultivated and forest soils, bottom sediment of streams...

Symptoms of Botulism

After their ingestion, botulinum neurotoxins are absorbed primarily in the duodenum and jejunum, pass into the bloodstream, and travel to synapses in the nervous system. There, the neurotoxins cause flaccid...

Detection and Treatment of Botulism

Although botulism can be diagnosed based on clinical symptoms, distinguishing it from other diseases is often difficult, especially in the absence of other known persons affected by the condition. Common...

Botulism Outcomes and Long-Term and Permanent Injury

In the past 50 years, mortality from botulism has fallen dramatically (from about 50% to 8%) because of advances in supportive care, which is the mainstay of treatment. The respiratory...

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